Want to Help Others Move 4WRD & Achieve Their Goals?

Become a 4WRD Affiliate Ambassador

Share 4WRD with others and help them achieve their goals faster and easier
while earning a 30% commission each month they remain paid monthly or yearly 4WRD user! Interested? Sign up below!

Steps to Joining the 4WRD Ambassador Program:

  • Register for the Ambassador/Affiliate Program using the form to the right. Once complete, you will get an email with a link to your Affiliate Dashboard. That is where you will get your banner ads and customized affiliate link. You can also track your referrals and earnings in your dashboard.
  • Next, go to https://www.4wrd.com and create an account to use 4WRD for yourself to help achieve your goals!

NOTE: You will get an email to confirm your registration on 4wrd.com. Be sure to click on that link. If you do not see the email in your main mailbox, please be sure to check your Junk or SPAM folder(s). Please allow up to 15 minutes for the confirmation email to make it to you.

  • You can also go to https://go4wrd.com/affiliate-materials/ to get additional emails and videos you can use, along with your affiliate link, to promote 4WRD

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